29,90 (IVA incl.)

David Stoll

ISBN: 0-520-07645-1
Año: 1990
Páginas: 424

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Protestants are making phenomenal gains in Latin America. This is the first general account of the evangelical challenge to Catholic predominance, with special attention to the col-lision with liberation theology in Central America. David Stoll reinterprets the «invasion of the sects» as an evangelical awakening, part of a wider religious reformation which could redefine the basis of Latin American politics.

«Stoll has done an immense quantity of homework and has put himself well ahead of common perceptions of the Latin sub-continent.» —Christopher Hitchens, Newsday

«[An] insightful introduction to the bizarre and labyrinthine by-ways of world evangelism.»—Arthur Shapiro, The New Leader «Indispensable for anyone trying to puzzle out the. . :invasion of the sects.’ Written in a sprightly, almost gossipy style, this is a work of first-rate investigative journalism.» —Thomas Quigley, U.S. Catholic Conference «Merciless in skewering the pretensions and hypocrisy of the predominantly North American… revivalists/entrepreneurs working in the vineyards of Latin America.» —Robert Witajewski, Foreign Service Journal «A fascinating critique of the legacy and significance of liberation theology.» —Samuel Escobar, Christianity Today

David Stoll is a doctoral candidate in anthropology at Stanford University. His previous book is Fishers of Men or Founders of Empire? The Wycliffe Bible Translators in Latin America. Cover illustration: Jimmy Swaggart preaching in the Plaza of the Revolution, Managua, Nicaragua, 1988. Photo by Larry Boyd.

University of California Press Berkeley 94720

EL SAURIO QUE VUELA. Esos otros mitos, leyendas y tradiciones turolenses 13,46
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